What is reseller hosting? Reseller hosting is actually a kind of hosting where you provide hosting products and services to others, and you make a profit on the difference. As a reseller, you control the charges of your solutions and your clients do not know that you’re the real hosting provider. Employing your own control panel https://resellerassociation.com/what-is-reseller-hosting and branding the services is an important part of reseller hosting. With regards to the type of reseller hosting you select, you may choose a fully been able or shared enviroment plan.
In case you opt for mastered hosting, you will need to invest some time in research. Learn what your aim for clientele will demand. Then, label the solution to check the identity of your business. If you plan on selling hosting for that living, you may want to begin management software and learn about the different features of a reseller bank account. When you are comfortable with the reselling procedure, you can begin offering hosting space for various other businesses.
Reselling web hosting can be a rewarding venture if you are looking to begin a business. It can be a lucrative way to supplement the existing brand money. With a low startup cost, reseller hosting is a great means to fix new business owners. There are many advantages to offering your private web space and hosting services. Like a reseller, you control just how much you request for hosting and how websites you have. A reseller hosting account likewise allows you to establish limits about important features.

Dr Olayinka Jibunoh is a consultant psychiatrist based in Lagos Nigeria. She holds an MBBS from the University of Lagos, MSc in health policy from the Imperial College, London and a Fellowship with the West African College of Physicians.
She founded a health tech start-up called The Freudian Centre, which is an employee and family assistance program located at 141, Ahmadu Bello Way, Opposite Silverbird Galleria, Victoria Island, Lagos. This start-up works tirelessly to bridge the gap in access to quality mental health care for all age groups. She is an active member of the Association of Psychiatrists in Nigeria, the American Psychiatric Association and The International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals. She can be reached on 0700FREUDIAN and olayinka@freudiancentre.com Follow @freudian_centre on instagram and face book.